Sunday, 7 December 2008

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We couldn't believe that this was our second Thanksgiving here in London. We spent the holiday with our friends and fellow ex pats, Dave, Velana, Jeff and Jessica. Dave and Velana were so kind to host and make all of the traditional Thanksgiving foods! Everything was delicious!

The rest of the weekend we spent getting ready for Christmas! We bought a cute little fake tree and had a great time decorating the tree and our flat. Although we are sad not to be coming home for the holidays, we are thrilled about our upcoming arrival! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and we will be thinking of you!


Anonymous said...

You two look wonderful!!! And what a pretty tree, stockings and Christmas decorations!! And your Thanksgiving looked so great,too. We are so anxious to see you~~~ soon!!! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Anna, you look AMAZING!!! Absolutely incredible! What a beautiful mama to be. Kristin :-)