Tuesday, 30 October 2007

1 stick of butter equals 113 grams

These are our first efforts at video uploads, and we apologize upfront for the content.

Sunday, 28 October 2007

We are all here!

What a month! After what seemed like an eternity, we are settled in London and enjoying our new world. Many good, bad, and crazy things have taken place since we packed up our home in San Francisco.

Nils arrived in late September to our new but empty flat. Besides not having our usual creature comforts, Nils found a way to pass the time i.e. by not spending much time at home and most free time in Pubs (with free internet). Work is going well for Nils, and his role is becoming more defined. And more importantly, Nils decided we will be Chelsea Football supporters after intense research.

(Our Moving Lorry and soon to be towed Prius)
Anna arrived on the perfect day. Her travels went without a hitch, and she was welcomed by all of our furniture and the internet when she walked in the door (two things missing until 5 minutes before her arrival).

Our early introduction to the UK hasn't been without some excitement, hence the title of our blog. In many ways you would expect, and many more which we are finding out everyday, England is very different than the US. For both good and bad experiences, the saying is "This is England." There are many more good things than bad. Please check out the theme song!

And finally, our wonderful cats arrived on October 26th thanks to the brave efforts of ViAnn and Ken. After being evacuated due to the Southern California fires, they amazingly guided themselves and quite a few animals over the course of a week: from Escondido, to the Del Mar Fair, on to the Vet (to allow Nessie and Jackson to travel), up to Irvine, then on to LAX, and finally were allowed back home, which thankfully wasn't hurt by the fires. This was a tough week, but we are so thankful for the technology which allowed us to continually stay in touch while so far away.

We have had a great time reuniting with fellow ex pats - Dan, Esther, Morgan, and Eric as well as recent visitors Christine and Bill. It has been fun experiencing London with them, and we look forward to many more visitors.

All in all, we are doing great and loving our new experience. We are so happy that our gang is back together again. Stay tuned for our adventures...

All the best,
Anna and Nils

*This is our first blog attempt, so please revisit soon and feel free to make suggestions.